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Our Philosophy

Saint John Paul II Academy fulfills its mission to form students in the Catholic faith using the Gospel as its guide.  The life of the school is centered on the teaching of Christ and the essential elements of Lasallian educational practice.

Informed by Saint John Baptist De La Salle, the Brothers of the Christian Schools and lay colleagues at Saint John Paul II Academy provide a diverse community of young men and women with a broad and balanced human and Christian education through programs that promote leadership, achievement, and service within school, church, and community.

Saint John Paul II Academy is a community that promotes a zeal for learning and a respect for individuality.  The faculty holds students to high standards of intellectual and moral development, encouraging them to reach their potential and preparing them to face the challenges of the modern world.  Campus Ministry programs and service opportunities help students develop relationships with God, family, and community.

The Saint John Paul II Academy family guides students to grow in mind, body, and spirit, encouraging them to become good citizens of the world and ambassadors of Christ and the Kingdom of God.  Through caring relationships, students are called to live Lasallian values, develop their full potential, respect all life, and pursue action that brings spiritual, academic, and personal goals to fruition.

Our Disciplinary Policy

Saint John Paul II Academy has developed a disciplinary policy based on a philosophy of mutual respect, understanding, and the need to maintain a safe and orderly environment that reflects our shared Lasallian mission. The school will always strive to treat each student with a level of respect and understanding that should be accorded to those created in the image of Christ. Our policy is focused on directing and guiding the students, as well as teaching self-discipline and personal responsibility. Learning to take ownership of poor decisions and facing consequences are reinforced with genuine care, empathy, and encouragement. Our goal is to continue building and reinforcing our Lasallian values in our everyday interactions.

Specific disciplinary procedures and policies can be found in our Student-Parent Handbook.

General Inquiries

General inquiries about student life or disciplinary policies can be directed to the Assistant Principal for Student Life, Mr. Pat Coyle,

School Calendar

October 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
25-26 Freshmen