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At Saint John Paul II Academy, our faculty and staff work collaboratively to attain the goals set out in our mission statement. Every SJPII teacher has earned at minimum of a Bachelor's Degree and holds teacher certification (or is in the process of obtaining certification) from the Florida Department of Education.  In addition to these credentials, following are some of the practical expectations of our teachers:

  1. To instill in students a love for Christ and His Church, as well as an understanding and appreciation of Catholic values.
  2. To give witness and example of Christian principles.
  3. To know and model the school philosophy by contributing to the growth of a faith community. Each class is expected to begin with prayer.
  4. To assure immediate accountability to the President, Principal and other administrators.
  5. To possess required current knowledge of subject matter.
  6. To prepare lesson plans for the effective delivery of instruction each day and to post student assignments on-line.
  7. To motivate students to want to learn by varying the use of teaching techniques, including the use of technology.
  8. To create a classroom environment conducive to learning.
  9. To evaluate students and use technology to report student progress in a timely manner, i.e., renweb/FACTS updated weekly, if not daily, progress reports, quarterly reports, etc.
  10. To establish provisions for individual learning differences.
  11. To supervise students in order to maintain an environment that will maximize the potential for student learning.
  12. To monitor student behavior in order to maintain an orderly and safe environment.
  13. To communicate and establish rapport with faculty members, administrators, parents and students.
  14. To develop professional relationships that contributes to a spirit of unity and cooperation among members of the school community.
  15. To confer regularly with parents, keeping communication lines open at all levels.
  16. To participate in programs of in-service and professional development.
  17. To commit to a personal responsibility for contributing toward school excellence.
  18. To be prepared to expect a service period each day, i.e., substitution, etc.
  19. To share responsibilities and duties for supervision, i.e., hallways and assemblies, etc.
  20. To become involved in the extracurricular programs of the school, i.e., sponsoring activities, serving as class moderators, chaperones, attending functions, etc.
  21. To be consistent in the application of the rules and regulations specified in the Student and Parent Handbook.
  22. To be present and to be accessible on campus between the hours of 7:30 am and 3:15 pm.
  23. To be available, as required, for Open House, Parent/Teacher conferences, Freshmen Registration, Academic Awards Nights, Baccalaureate Mass, Graduation and any other school related activity that requires faculty attendance or participation.