High School Placement Test

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Study Guides for the High School Placement Test
Study Guides are available for the High School Placement Test, also known as the HSPT. The list below represents just a few of the study guides available. Saint John Paul II Academy does not recommend one study guide over another.
Arco: Master the Catholic High School Entrance Exam
Barron’s: How to Prepare for the COOP/HSPT
Kaplan: Catholic High School Entrance Exams (COOP/HSPT)
REA Research & Education Association: COOP & HSPT
The High School Placement Test (HSPT®)
For over fifty years, academic high schools nationwide have used STS’ High School Placement Test (HSPT®) to assist with admissions, scholarship selection, and curriculum placement. The HSPT® is a comprehensive placement test for eighth graders for placement in the ninth grade. It provides a maximum of information in only one morning's testing time.
To understand the HSPT better, click HERE to visit the STS' High School Placement Test Website